Dear Graduate Counseling Student…

  Dear Graduate Counseling Student, Thank you so much for coming in to see our career center. I really enjoyed meeting you, and your passion for the counseling profession shines bright. I am so thankful that Career Counseling is a class that you can take to receive your degree. I am pretty sure I made… Continue reading Dear Graduate Counseling Student…

Five Random Career Thoughts for a Monday

Attitude determines your altitude. I’ve realized that Mondays stink only when I let them (or when the alarm clock goes off late). I have also realized when I wrote my last, “Monday’s Stink” post I was, in fact, coming down with the mother of all sinus infections. That alone will sink your spirits. So I

Put some S.P.A.R.K.S. Into Your Career Exploration!

Last night I was lucky enough to present a program in my hometown school district’s “Career Night: Plan For Your Future”.  It was open to grades K-12 and parents. The crowd was light, but attentive. I received overall very positive feedback, and one invitation to the local Toastmaster’s Meeting. Not really sure how to take… Continue reading Put some S.P.A.R.K.S. Into Your Career Exploration!

A Rational Explanation for Why I Dislike Mondays

I read a quote yesterday: “If you hate Mondays, you must hate your job. Maybe you should find another job. Then you wouldn’t mind coming into work on Mondays. You may even look forward to it.” First of all: Just be quiet. Really. I don’t “hate” Mondays. I simply dislike them. I usually have a… Continue reading A Rational Explanation for Why I Dislike Mondays

Finding My Brand (With the help of Oprah)

I have a 45 minute commute to work each day, which I really enjoy. I listen to NPR. At first it was to avoid the incessant political ads on the other radio stations, but I have since fallen in love with the stories and the way they present the news. Today there was a story… Continue reading Finding My Brand (With the help of Oprah)